Homemade Halloumi is sooooo good.



Homemade Halloumi

Let’s get one thing out of the way. I adore Halloumi.

No. That doesn’t do it justice.

I love Halloumi more than my first born.

Okay. Maybe that’s a wee bit too far.

My love for Halloumi is somewhere between adoration and love for my first born.

Let’s look at the facts.

  1. It’s cheese.
  2. It’s cheese you can fry.

I’m not sure I need to say anything more. If it could make me a coffee in the morning I’d marry it (sorry wife. Sorry first born.)

I mean look at it:


Grumbles about shop bought Halloumi

I’ve bought a lot of shop bought Halloumi in the past, and there’s problems with it:

  1. It’s either too salty or not salty enough
  2. There’s often a slightly plastic tinge to the flavour
  3. There’s an Halloumi shortage on its way

The first two issues make sense.

You’re at the whim at whoever produced the cheese when it comes to the salt. Until the day Halloumi makers come knocking on your door to ask how salty you like your cheese you’re invariable going to find it too salty or not salty enough.

And it comes tightly wrapped in plastic so it’s going to taste like cheese that’s been tightly wrapped in plastic.

The third point is based around growing worries that there’s an upcoming Halloumi shortage due to demand being so high. You can read more about it here.

Homemade Halloumi to the rescue!

If we look at the two shop bought grumbles, then making your own Halloumi addresses both. For your first batch of cheese you follow our instructions as the salt is added only as a flavouring. If this batch is too salty or not salty enough then you’re able to get your second batch just right for YOU!

Also in our instructions you’ll not find a single instruction asking you to wrap your glorious cheese in plastic. Nope!

And more importantly, you’re never going to run out!

Homemade Halloumi Really is That Good

The salt quantity is just right for you, there’s no plastic tinge, it’s creamy and squeaky. What’s more, a single batch is about two of the pouches you’d buy at your local supermarket. And the minimum batch quantities per kit is 12! So not only does it taste amazing, there’s more Halloumi. MORE HALLOUMI!

As one of our customers told us:

‘Simply the best Halloumi since I was in Cyprus 35 years ago.’

Homemade Halloumi.

It will change your life.

Lemon Battered Halloumi with Caper Salad (recipe available in kit)



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